Tuesday, 29 March 2011

What is it and where do we start?

Definition: FODMAP’s is an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, and Polyols.

Many people who suffer symptoms of Irritable Bowel may in fact be FODMAP intolerant and are only diagnosed when a Medical Practitioner that has knowledge of the problem discovers the issue.

Two ways of diagnosing the problem are to do an Elimination Diet or a series of Hydrogen Breath Tests.
Most sufferers find that once eliminating the problem foods out of their diet and incorporating moderate exercise and a calorie controlled diet, symptoms can decrease and be almost non-existent.

When diagnosed with this issue it is a process of trial and error along with patience and having great resources that gets you through.
This is why I have started this blog.

I was diagnosed in September by my Gastroenterologist, after many tests I was referred to a Dietitian.
I have since been seeing Amanda at Healthy Beings (www.healthybeings.com.au). Amanda has been a great help and I highly recommend her if you live in the Brisbane area.
My first visit involved me removing all food from my diet that has been known to cause issues or contains the intolerable food groups.

This means eating Gluten free and avoiding foods containing Fermentable, Oligosaccharides (eg. Fructans and Galactans), Disaccharides (eg. Lactose)Monosaccharides (eg. excess Fructose) and Polyols (eg. Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Xylitol and Isomalt)
I was advised only to eat foods that did not contain FODMAP’s , this was a hard process as it means you have to make most of the “easy” meals from scratch.

It also means eating out is to be limited, no eating out of jars and making things like sauces and dressings from scratch.
It is actually a great opportunity to eat more unprocessed foods.
I made the decision at the same time to try and source more  natural and organic foods.

The following list contains some of the foods I was told to avoid all together:
Onions, garlic, artificial sweeteners, fruit juice, pears, apples, apricots, honey, mushrooms, lollies, chips, and food high in carbohydrates that are highly processed, fructose, tomato paste, coffee, tea, wheat, rye, canned beans, dairy, lactose foods (cheeses), snow peas, cauliflower, plums, lychees, avocados and red onions (these are a big killer)
These are some of the many foods I was to avoid.

After I had gone 3 months without having these foods in my diet, Amanda asked me how I was feeling and I must say organising meals was a big job, but did I start to feel better.
Those of you who understand the symptoms will understand somethings you experience are:
Constipation, bloating, cramping, stomach pain, gas, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss or weight gain.

It felt good to finally feel like I can eat a meal and not feel like you could roll me out the door afterwards.


  1. hello, just found your blog.
    I was diagnosed with fructose intolerance in March. Trying to figure out my tolerance level is so hard! I often have delayed symptoms, so when I have trouble, I have to think...what have I eaten differently over the last 3 days.

    I can't eat gluten either, and haven't for years. So things get a little more complicated. (but really, not that much.)

    I too have a blog, it's going slow right now because of the trial and error part. But I'm trying to keep it updated. : )
    It's hard to write a cooking blog when you are eating the same things all the time.

    Looking forward to reading more about your journey.


  2. Hi Wendy thank you for your support.
    I hope my blog can be of encouragment
    Please provide me any feed back and let me know if you have any questions

